Assignment 1 - Unit 24 Sound Editing
Find six videos, that illustrates each reason for
sound recording, and analyse why the example is relevant these should be
uploaded to your Prezi. Try to find a different example to the one used as an
example, however if you are struggling you may use some of the same examples.
You must find videos that illustrate the following
these videos must be accompanied by detailed analysis
To compress and summarize a sound recording to fit a specific space.
To eliminate flawed, repetitive, superfluous, uninteresting, irrelevant
material from a recorded clip
To enable recorded speech to remain legal.
To ensure any indecent or inappropriate language is edited out
To change the chronological or logical order of a series of sounds or speech.
To create impact by adding sound effects and/or music between pieces of
recorded speech.
To compress and summarize a sound recording to fit a specific space
The reason why sound recordings may get compressed and summarized as there may only be a short period that the audio is needed so they do not want the audio going longer than it needs to. It may get summarized as in the original audio recording there may only be a short segment that is actually needed.
The intro for the Netflix original series Big Mouths entrance music was originally composed by Charles Bradley. The song has been compressed to become a a song for an intro sequence as the original song is around 6 minutes but the sequence song is only 30 seconds long as you do not want an intro to be very long as the audience will just get bored. The original music has been summarised as they only want the chorus so they have only decided to use that segment of the song. This has an effect on the audience as it is about young children going through bodily changes and that is what the chorus of the original song is talking about.
To eliminate flawed, repetitive, superfluous, uninteresting, irrelevant material from a recorded clip
The editor may decide to remove the uninteresting aspects of audio that would make people get bored watching something for example the sound man setting up the microphone. This is most commonly used in things like interviews as we may see a 4 minute interview but normally they are around 30 minutes long so it gets cut down to only include the good parts of the interview.
This interview with Neil Young is a great example of why an interview may need to be cut down as it may include things that the audience may not want to see for example you may see the microphone being fitted on someone which the ordinary audience will not want to see. The affect of the audience seeing the whole raw footage of an interview will make them realize how long an interview can take as they are probably use to seeing interviews with people that last around 5 minutes.
To enable all recorded speech to remain legal
Some background noise in some videos may have to be edited out as someone may not have the legal requirements to have that music in their video as well as speeches from some people including Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech. This is so that they avoid copyright infringements as they could end up owing the artist who owns the song or the person who made the speech a lot of money. For example almost every song that gets produced and uploaded on to youtube has copyright unless they have in the title that it is royalty free.
To enable all recorded speech to remain legal
Some background noise in some videos may have to be edited out as someone may not have the legal requirements to have that music in their video as well as speeches from some people including Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech. This is so that they avoid copyright infringements as they could end up owing the artist who owns the song or the person who made the speech a lot of money. For example almost every song that gets produced and uploaded on to youtube has copyright unless they have in the title that it is royalty free.
To ensure any indecent or inappropriate language is edited out
The reason why the editor will decide to remove any profanity or anything that can be taken as something offensive as it may make audience report the show to the ACA so it can cause the producers of the show or the people who are saying the inappropriate language to receive a lot of hate or someone who could be watching could not agree with somethings that get said. All live TV will have a slight delay so that in case anyone swears they can then quickly have time to edit it out by adding sound over it for example crowd sounds if it is a sports match. A good example of where they have missed covering profanity is when Joe Hart screams "Give me the F***ing ball!"
To change the chronological or logical order of a series of sounds or speech
The chronological or logical ordered of sounds may be altered because they may be producing a trailer that is being produced as they want to spread out as much of the film as possible without spoiling the story line of the film. They have to edit the order of the sounds so that the sounds are still linked with the scene that they are in but they might still pair a sound with a scene that it isn't meant to be in and they will add sound bridges so that the trailer is easier to understand. They may even in a trailer edit out the slow parts of a song so that the trailer only contains the fast music so it feels the trailer is faster.
They will also change the chronological and logical order of podcasts as they will most likely edit out the unimportant parts for example when someone goes to get a drink or goes to the toilet.
This allows many live things to be watched by every age if they are able to edit out any inappropriate language that is not meant to have any inappropriate language. But if they forget to edit any of it out it can cause a lot of backlash to the production company.
The chronological or logical ordered of sounds may be altered because they may be producing a trailer that is being produced as they want to spread out as much of the film as possible without spoiling the story line of the film. They have to edit the order of the sounds so that the sounds are still linked with the scene that they are in but they might still pair a sound with a scene that it isn't meant to be in and they will add sound bridges so that the trailer is easier to understand. They may even in a trailer edit out the slow parts of a song so that the trailer only contains the fast music so it feels the trailer is faster.
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