Unit 21 - Film Editing - Editing Throughout The Years
Understanding the techniques and applications of editing for film and television Introduction I have applied for the role as an editor in a film studio and as a part of the application process I have been asked to produce a report which demonstrates my understanding of the techniques and applications of editing for Film and Television. My report will contain both historic and contemporary examples of editing from different time periods and different genres. In 1899 George Albert Smith (An English Hypnotist) released A Kiss In the Tunnel which is arguably the most important development in film editing. This is because it is the first known film to have been edited as there is a shot that looks like the camera is on the train going into a tunnel and then coming out of the tunnel and a shot of a couple sitting in what looks like the train carriage but it is most likely a stage has been edited in between these shots and they are just doing typical things like reading a newsp...